K. Male'
10 May 2018 | Thu 17:36
President Abdulla Yameen (r) meeting with former President Mohamed Waheed Hassan Manik
President Abdulla Yameen (r) meeting with former President Mohamed Waheed Hassan Manik
Presidents Office
Ex-President Waheed
Age should not be a factor, Maldives must learn from Mahathir's win: ex-President Waheed
Maldives must learn from Malaysia, Waheed said following 92 year-old opposition leader Mahathir Mohamed's win
Age should not be a factor when it comes to presidential candidacy, Waheed said
President Yameen had amended Maldives constitution so that persons over 65 will not be permitted to run for presidency

President Yameen Abdul Gayoom's predecessor and Vice President who had a hand in the ousting of opposition leader and former president Mohamed Nasheed's tenure, Dr. Mohamed Waheed Hassan Manik has said that age should not be a factor that falls under candidacy of the Preisdential race and that Maldives must learn from Malaysia following 92 year-old opposition leader Mahathir Mohamed's win in the Malaysian General Elections.

Dr. Waheed, who served as Vice President in Nasheed's tenure and took over office after eventually partaking in ousting Nasheed from office in 2012, took to twitter on Wednesday evening, congratulating Dr. Mahathir and his coalition for it's historic triumph over Najeeb Razak's 60-year-long rule.

While President Yameen's predecessor has brought this into the spotlight, Yameen's administration had brought amendments to the constitution of the Maldives after he came into power. Under the amended constitution, persons over 65 will not be permitted to run for presidency.

President Yameen jointly with then Toursim Minister Ahmed Adeeb had with the backing of pro-government Members of Parliament brought this amendment into effect to administer Adeeb to the post of Vice President and to make sure former President and half-brother of incumbent President Yameen, Maumoon Abdul Gayoom and Jumhooree Party (JP) leader Gasim Ibrahim will be restrained from running for presidency.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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