K. Male'
09 May 2018 | Wed 15:28
MDP\'s Deputy Chairperson Ahmed Abdulla
MDP's Deputy Chairperson Ahmed Abdulla
Joint opposition parties
EC works in the interest of a particular party: MDP deputy chair
Abdulla said that he worries about the way the Elections Commission carries things out
The EC favors a particular party without giving any heed to the legal ambit - Abdulla

Opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP)'s Deputy Chairperson Ahmed Abdulla has said that the Elections Commission (EC) only works to the benefit of and to boost the registry of one particular party.

In the press conference held by the joint opposition parties at Jumhooree Party's national campaign site Kunooz in Maafannu ward of capital city Male' on Tuesday, Abdulla said that he worries about the way the Elections Commission carries things out, the most concerning matter being them favoring a particular party without giving any heed to the legal ambit.

"Adhaalath Party contains 12,000 members. Yet, there won't be room for the elimination of members. It is the choice of citizens to decide which party they want to represent. It is not under the power of the EC" said Abdulla.

Abdulla also said regarding a letter addressed to political parties, that while the Finance Ministry allocates MVR 6 million to political parties, the letter had stated that the money cannot be arranged all at once. Abdulla had said that neither the Finance Ministry nor the EC can accomplish that.

"They have to deliver the money within three months. If not, they're going against the legal ambit" said Abdulla.

He added that this was a prohibition to the operation of parties and that this will also have a negative impact on the preparations for the upcoming Presidential Elections.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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