K. Male'
09 May 2018 | Wed 15:22
Shidhatha Shareef, President of AP\'s foreign relations committee
Shidhatha Shareef, President of AP's foreign relations committee
Joint Opposition
Government intimidation targeted towards Gayoom's family: Shidhatha
They are precisely targeting their intimidation to Gayoom's family. However it brings us joy to see Gayoom resilient through it all - Shidhatha
Shidhatha highlighted that the government will not receive any benefits through these intimidations whatsoever

Shidhatha Shareef, president of Adhaalath Party (AP)'s foreign relations committee, has said that the current government is seen targetting former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom's family.

Speaking in a press conference held by the joint opposition parties on Tuesday night in Jumhooree Party's campaign site Kunooz in Maafannu ward of capital city Male', Shidhatha said that the current government is seen targetting the Gayoom family for intimidation and harrassment, focusing on the various summons being issued on Yumna Maumoon, daughter of statesman Gayoom.

Shidhatha highlighted that the government will not receive any benefits through these intimidations whatsoever.

"They are precisely targetting their intimidation to Gayoom's family. However it brings us joy to see Gayoom resilient through it all" said Shidhatha.

Shidhatha added that the joint opposition will thrive in their reform efforts and their progress cannot be halted through intimidation, convincing that President Yameen's regime will be brought to an end very soon.

"Joint party leaders will proceed under one resolution and topple Yameen's rule very soon" said Shidhatha.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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