K. Male'
06 May 2018 | Sun 09:04
ACC President Hassan Luthfee
ACC President Hassan Luthfee
Leaked Secret Testimonies
Leaked Testimonies: Luthufee had sought to buy residence in Malaysia
Luthfee in a testimony said that a residence had been booked under his name without his comprehension
Several testimonies given to police under ongoing investigation into the Supreme Court ruling on the 01st February have been leaked

RaajjeMV has received information that Anti Corruption Commission (ACC) President Hassan Luthfee is believed to have sought to purchase a residence in Malaysia.

This was revealed through a testimony given by Lemongrass's owner Ibrahim Athif among the several leaked testimonies by prominent figures under the ongoing police investigations regarding the Supreme Court ruling issued on the 01st of February.

While the leaked testimonies have been circulating on social media, Luthfee in his testimony said that a residence had been booked under his name without his comprehension.

However, Athif had stated that he had told Luthfee about a few residences when he himself had looked into Real Estate in Malaysia. He had evidently told Luthfee about the residences when Luthfee had expressed his interest in landholding in Malaysia.

While bribery charges have been raised on detained Supreme Court Chief Justice Abdulla Saeed and Justice Ali Hameed as well as Judicial Administrator Hassan Saeed, Police are also investigating a case against the three, regarding an alleged endeavour to invest in Real Estate in Malaysia as well.

While police had taken testimonies from Luthfee regarding the investigation, it had been revealed that Luthfee had been actively involved in looking into properties.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ismail Naail Nasheed
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