K. Male'
04 May 2018 | Fri 22:05
Dunya Maumoon
Dunya Maumoon
Dunya Maumoon
Dunya faces criticism online over misleading tweet
Dunya said India is failing in its responsibility to maintain stability and assist democracy in the Maldives
Nasheed, leader of the main opposition party MDP, said he was pleased that Dunya understands the need for Indian intervention
Dunya said she was not calling for Indian military intervention, even though Nasheed had not mentioned the involvement of India’s military

Criticisms have been aimed at former Foreign Minister Dunya Maumoon over misunderstanding a tweet from former President Mohamed Nasheed regarding her father, former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, who is ailing in jail.

In a tweet on Thursday, Dunya tagged India’s external minister Shushma Swaraj and said that India is failing in its responsibility to maintain stability and assist democracy in the Maldives and appealed India to assist her father, who has been in jail after being charged with attempting to overthrow the government.

Some on social media noted that she was particularly critical of the opposition’s call for foreign intervention when she was working for her uncle, incumbent President Yameen’s administration and had also criticized the opposition coalition’s activities with foreign organizations even after she had left the administration. This was even after her father, Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, joined the opposition.

Replying to the tweet, Nasheed, leader of the main opposition party MDP, said he was pleased that Dunya understands the need for Indian intervention in the Maldives, adding that he holds the same view.

Replying to Nasheed, Dunya said she was not calling for Indian military intervention, even though Nasheed had not mentioned the involvement of India’s military.

“You would no doubt agree with me on the need to protect the sovereignty and independence of Maldives whilst maintaining Indian Ocean stability.”

A flurry of criticisms has been aimed at Dunya for misinterpreting Nasheed’s tweet, which was in support of his fellow opposition leader Maumoon.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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