K. Male'
04 May 2018 | Fri 11:06
Shifaz said this during an opposition rally on Thursday night
Shifaz said this during an opposition rally on Thursday night
MDP's Mohamed Shifaz
President Yameen will be isolated, but not harmed: MDP deputy president
Shifaz said this during an opposition rally on Thursday night
Shifaz described Yameen’s potential arrest and prosecution as a ‘fitting form of justice to his tyranny’

President Abdulla Yameen will be further isolated and removed from power but not harmed, guarantees former lawmaker and current deputy president of the Maldivian Democratic Party, Mohamed Shifaz.

Shifaz said during an opposition rally on Thursday night that the opposition party had given President Yameen a year since his assumption of office, as opportunity to ‘rule justly’.

Shifaz described Yameen’s potential arrest and prosecution as a ‘fitting form of justice to his tyranny’. The former parliamentarian condemned what he described to be the unlawful arrest of political opposition to the government.

In this regard, Shifaz said that Chief Justice Abdulla Saeed and Supreme Court Justice Ali Hameed, along with former president Maumoon Abdul Gayoom are being detained unjustly.

Shifaz further made light of the fact that the trio are being charged with tampering with evidence, while witness statements given to the police in relation to the case have been leaked.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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