K. Male'
04 May 2018 | Fri 02:08
Local market area prepares for Ramadan
Local market area prepares for Ramadan
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Ramadan Allowance Discrepancy
LRA calls on employers to distribute mandatory allowance before Ramadan
Many institutions had previously been fined by large sums for denying allowance to their employees.
It is voluntary for employers to give Ramadan allowance to expatriate workers

Labor Relations Authority has appealed on all institutions to hand out Ramadan allowance to their staffs as obliged under law.

According to the Islamic Calendar, Ramadan 2018 is to begin on the 16th of May.

While handing out MVR 3,000 as Ramadan allowance to all Maldivian workers before Ramadan begins is mandatory for employers under the law, 43 cases had been filed at the Labor Relations Authority regarding the denial of Ramadan allowance in 2017. After looking into said cases, the authority had ordered the employers of the individuals who had filed the cases to grant them the allowance.

However, it is voluntary for employers to give Ramadan allowance to expatriate workers.

In an announcement publicized by the Labor Relations Authority on Thursday, it said that it is noticeable that some institutions are refraining from granting Ramadan allowance to their employees of recent.

Many institutions had previously been fined by large sums for denying allowance to their employees.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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