K. Male'
02 May 2018 | Wed 19:41
Mohamed Nadheem (L), MP Ahmed Faris Maumoon (R)
Mohamed Nadheem (L), MP Ahmed Faris Maumoon (R)
Mohamed Nadheem
Nadheem involved in government overthrow plot because of MP Faris, says state
Nadheem is married to Yumna Maumoon, daughter of former President Gayoom
He was arrested with Gayoom on 5th February, after the declaration of a state of emergency
His father-in-law and brother-in-law are in police custody and charged with terrorism as well

State prosecutors have said that Mohamed Nadheem had gotten involved in the plot to overthrow the government because of his brother-in-law, Dhiggaru constituency MP Ahmed Faris Maumoon.

Speaking at the preliminary hearing on the terror charges raised against Nadheem on Wednesday, state prosecutor Ahmed Naushad said that Nadheem is charged with conspiring to overthrow the government, along with some parliamentarians. Noting that he had acted as such on the instruction of his brother-in-law, the state further accused him of attempting to use the police to create disorder in the country, with the help of former Commissioner of Police, Ahmed Areef.

He is also accused of attempting to influence the government and creating an environment that threatened the safety and security of the people.

Judge Ahmed Hailam presided over the hearing, which started three hours later than the scheduled time. Judge Hailam normally handles such cases involving politicians and prominent figures.

After the state finished reading out the charges against Nadheem, the judge inquired on whether the defence had received all the required documents in the case. Nadheem replied that some of the documents were given to them after arriving for Wednesday’s hearing. Hence, he asked to be given seven or ten days, to review the documents and appoint a lawyer.

However, Judge Hailam decided to give him just two days to appoint an attorney, and concluded today’s hearing.

Nadheem is married to Yumna Maumoon, daughter of former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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