K. Male'
30 Apr 2018 | Mon 09:12
The Bank of Maldives headquarters in capital city Malé
The Bank of Maldives headquarters in capital city Malé
Bank of Maldives
BML makes MVR 260 million in first-quarter of 2018
The national bank made a profit of about 260 million
The bank's earning after-tax are nearly the same as the first-quarter of 2017, despite it earning more this year
Maldives’ national bank has 34 branches in 20 atolls, and about 260,000 customers

The Bank of Maldives has revealed its earnings for the first-quarter of this year, which shows an 11 percent increase compared to the same period last year.

The national bank made a net profit of about 260 million, the same as the first-quarter last year. However, the bank’s gross income, before tax, had been 13 percent more than the that of 2017.

The bank’s quarterly report has an unaudited income statement that places ‘basic earnings per share’ at MVR 193, the same as last the first-quarter for last year.

BML’s CEO Andrew Healy said at an event on Sunday that the bank is 'pleased with the positive start to the year', and highlighted their various corporate-social projects run under their ‘Aharenge Bank’ campaign.

Maldives’ national bank has 34 branches in 20 atolls, and about 260,000 customers.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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