K. Male'
27 Apr 2018 | Fri 23:55
Former President Mohamed Nasheed
Former President Mohamed Nasheed
Ex-Pres Nasheed
Land grab and state within state are key problems: Nasheed
Nasheed said this while speaking at Capital Maharaja’s general assembly in Sri Lanka as a guest of honor
Nasheed expressed grave concern over the matter and detailed how some countries find and make dictators indebted to them as part of their land grab policy
While Nasheed began the speech without mentioning a specific country, he later named China as being the predatory nation

The main problems in the Maldives are a state forming within the state and eastern countries grabbing Maldivian land, said former President Mohamed Nasheed.

Nasheed said this while speaking at Capital Maharaja’s general assembly in Sri Lanka as a guest of honor.

In his speech, Nasheed expressed grave concern over the matter and detailed how some countries find and make dictators indebted to them as part of their land grab policy. Afterwards, they make contracts outside legal boundaries and charge a disproportionate amount for the work they offer. The cost becomes overwhelming enough that it has to be paid back with the indebted country’s freedom.

While Nasheed began the speech without mentioning a specific country, he later named China as being the predatory nation. He said that he knows China’s doings and will not be silent.

Capital Maharaja is one of the largest privately held group of companies in Sri Lanka.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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