K. Male'
27 Apr 2018 | Fri 11:34
Former Vice President Ahmed Adeeb being escorted back to incarceration after a hearing on his negligence case against the state on Thursday, 26th April
Former Vice President Ahmed Adeeb being escorted back to incarceration after a hearing on his negligence case against the state on Thursday, 26th April
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Ex-VP Ahmed Adeeb
MCS brings in dermatologist to see glaucoma-stricken ex-VP Adeeb
This had happened last week, days after Adeeb had specifically requested an eye doctor
The detained former statesman has been advised to seek urgent treatment due to an onset of vision problems
Adeeb has filed cases of negligence against the institution, the police, and the Home Ministry

The Maldives Correctional Services has brought in a dermatologist to see former vice president Ahmed Adeeb, who is in urgent need of glaucoma treatment.

Adeeb’s lawyer Moosa Siraj told RaajjeMV on Friday that this had happened last week, days after they had specifically requested an eye doctor.

The detained former statesman has been advised to seek urgent treatment due to an onset of vision problems since his incarceration in 2016 on multiple charges of terrorism and corruption. Adeeb has also been diagnosed with internal cysts and kidney stones.

While the Maldives Correctional Services has refused to allow him to travel abroad for treatment, despite him having a family history of predisposition towards cancerous cysts and adequate treatment not being available in Malé, Adeeb has filed cases of negligence against the institution, the police, and the Home Ministry.

A hearing for the negligence case was held on Thursday.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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