K. Male'
24 Apr 2018 | Tue 20:25
Maldives Inland Revenue Authority
Maldives Inland Revenue Authority
Azmoon Ahmed
Individual ordered to pay over MVR one million to MIRA
Abdulla Ali was charged with MVR 1,353,804.72
Three people in total have been charged with hefty fines
All three are to complete the payments within three months

Civil Court has ordered an individual to pay over one million rufiya to Maldives Inland Revenue Authority (MIRA), as tax and fines. 

A statement released by MIRA said that Abdulla Ali from N. Velidhoo was ordered to pay MVR 1,353,804.72 to the authority on the 15th of this month.

The court has ordered him to complete the payment with any additions to the amount due to delays in payment, within the next three months. 

In addition to this case, Civil Court has charged two others to pay fines to MIRA. Top One Partners was charged with MVR 159,444 as GST fines and they are also to pay the amount with the necessary additions within three months.

Ahmed Liyaau from Fuvahmulah was also charged with GST fines of a total of MVR 331,580 which is to be paid within three months as well. 

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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