K. Male'
24 Apr 2018 | Tue 14:04
Fisheries minister Dr Mohamed Shainee
Fisheries minister Dr Mohamed Shainee
All-Party Talks
Opposition is welcome to negotiate changes to Elections Commission: Minister Shainee
minister Shainee said that discussions on the EC are open and that the opposition is free to come to the negotiating table without any pre-conditions
Shainee said that some parts of the state are in need of reform but discussing it can only happen in the proper ‘open channels’ and not by standing outside and shouting
He also blamed opposition leader and former President Mohamed Nasheed for preventing the opposition from joining the ‘all-party’ talks

The opposition can negotiate changes to the Elections Commission (EC) but it can only happen after they come forward to the negotiating table, says Dr Mohamed Shainee, fisheries minister and the government’s lead negotiator in the ‘all-party’ talks.

The opposition coalition recently called on the government to appoint members to the Elections Commission (EC) that both the opposition and the government can agree on, before this year’s presidential election.

Speaking to RaajjeMV on Tuesday, minister Shainee said that discussions on the EC and other talking points concerning citizens are open and that the opposition is free to come to the negotiating table without any pre-conditions.

Shainee said that some parts of the state are in need of reform but discussing it can only happen in the proper ‘open channels’ and not by standing outside and shouting. He also blamed opposition leader and former President Mohamed Nasheed for preventing the opposition from joining the ‘all-party’ talks.

The government has called on the opposition to join the ‘all-party’ talks 12 times now but the opposition coalition has said that it will not join the talks as long as their political leaders remain in prison or in self-exile and are barred from participating.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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