K. Male'
23 Apr 2018 | Mon 09:40
Former President Mohamed Nasheed
Former President Mohamed Nasheed
Addu City's Missing Children
‘Endless gratitude’ to civilian who saved Addu City boy from drowning: Nasheed
Nasheed expressed his ‘endless gratitude’ to Hassan Didi, who witnessed the children struggle and went to their rescue
Hassan was able to save one of the children, 16-year-old Ali Raaif
The opposition leader’s post also offered comfort to the families of 14-year-old Ali Fahmy and 17-year-old Mayamin Ali

Former President Mohamed Nasheed on Sunday sent out a message of comfort to the families of the two children reported missing in Addu City, while commending the man who saved the third from likely a similar state.

Through a post on his Twitter account, Nasheed expressed his ‘endless gratitude’ to Hassan Didi, who witnessed the children struggle against strong currents in Hithadhoo region’s seaward coast and went to their rescue. They were reported missing on Saturday. 

Hassan was able to save one of the children, 16-year-old Ali Raaif, and while he went back for the remaining children, he had lost sight of them. Officials of the city reported that Raaif had inhaled water and needed urgent medical attention when he was found.

The opposition leader’s post also offered comfort to the families of 14-year-old Ali Fahmy and 17-year-old Mayamin Ali. Officers of the Maldives National Defence Force had been active in their search for the two children on Sunday night as well. 

Raaif had initially been treated at the Hithadhoo Hospital’s intensive care unit but has since been moved to a ward and has not sustained any critical injuries, according to doctors.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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