K. Male'
22 Apr 2018 | Sun 18:37
A search is ongoing for Ali Fahmy and Mayameen Ali - both 14
A search is ongoing for Ali Fahmy and Mayameen Ali - both 14
Addu live
Missing at Sea
Third teen refutes reports that jersey found belonged to either of the missing boys
They were reported missing on Saturday
A third boy- Raif- also reported missing, was found later that day
Raif said that Ali Fahmy and Mayameen Ali - both 14 - had not been wearing any t-shirts

Two minors were reported missing while swimming in Addu City on Saturday, as adverse weather conditions continue throughout the country.

While a search is ongoing for the two teens, earlier on Sunday it was reported that the t-shirt belonging to one the boys, had been found.

However, the city’s online news source ‘Addu Live’ has refuted these reports, citing a third boy who was also reported missing, and found later.

Three students from Hithadhoo school were reported missing at around 11:30 am on Saturday, after going swimming following football practice.

16-year-old Raif Ali was found on Saturday afternoon, and is being treated at Hithadhoo Regional Hospital.

Raif said that the two boys- Ali Fahmy and Mayameen Ali, had not been wearing any t-shirts and that ‘the jersey found in the sea did not belong to either’.

Speaking to some local media outlets, Addu City’s deputy mayor Mohamed Yasrif had said that a jersey belonging to one the missing teenagers had been found.  

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ismail Naail Nasheed
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