K. Male'
22 Apr 2018 | Sun 14:59
Baa atoll Hithaadhoo island Councillors
Baa atoll Hithaadhoo island Councillors
Suspended Councilors
Hithaadhoo Councillors resume office after month-long suspension
Council members of Hithaadhoo island said that they will continue their reform efforts resiliently and will not back down in the face of political coercion
Residents of Hithaadhoo showered their Councillors with a gracious welcome followed by cultural activities

Baa atoll Hithaadhoo island councillors have resumed office after ha month-long suspension over a statement released by the council calling to implement the Supreme Court ruling issued on the 01st of February.

Over a month ago the Local Government Authority (LGA) had suspended Baa atoll councillors while island councils of several atolls had been calling on the authorities to implement the SC ruling.

Following the constant appeals of councils and their members, the LGA had consecutively kept suspending them and councillors within the past month.

While councillors who had been suspended for a month have now resumed office after completing their time, residents of their corresponding atolls have showered them with a gracious welcome followed by many cultural activities.

Council members of Hithaadhoo island said that they will continue their reform efforts resiliently and will provide for their islanders without taking a single step back upon political coercion.

All three councillors at Hithaadhoo island represent opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP).

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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