K. Male'
19 Apr 2018 | Thu 13:37
Hithadhoo Regional Hospital
Hithadhoo Regional Hospital
Hithadhoo Regional Hospital
Addu City Councilor cleans hospital washrooms after complaints mount
Several complaints regarding unsanitary toilets were circulated on social media
Maradhoo Councilor Faisal could no longer tolerate how dirty the washrooms were

Maradhoo-representative at the Addu City Council Faisal Ibrahim cleaned the washrooms at Hithadhoo Regional Hospital because of the photos and complaints being posted on social media regarding the unsanitary condition.

An informant told RaajjeMV that unclean washrooms in Hithadhoo Regional Hospital had become a concerning issue for them. 

Councilor Faisal cleaned the hospital's gynaecology ward's washrooms with his own material on Wednesday evening. He told RaajjeMV that the reason behind the clean up was because he could no longer tolerate how dirty those washroom were. 

It has been several days since photos of these unsanitary washrooms were circulating on social media. While some Addu citizens mocked the government that the washrooms were as classy as the ones in Tokyo by referring to a speech given by Housing Minister Dr. Mohamed Muizzu, others questioned whether it could even be identified as a hospital anymore.


Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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