K. Male'
14 Apr 2018 | Sat 07:55
Parliament member Mohamed Ameeth
Parliament member Mohamed Ameeth
Mohamed Sharuhaan
MP Mohamed Ameeth
Only way to ensure fair elections is for President Yameen to not run: MP Ameeth
MP Ameeth took to twitter saying that crossing President YAG's name off the ballots is the only way to pave way for an unprejudiced election
MP's tweet is in response to EC's president Shareef's assertion that the current ambiance is appropriate to hold an election
Shareef had said that stalling the election is not an option

Member of Parliament for Maduvvari constituency Mohamed Ameeth has claimed that the only way Maldives will see a free and fair presidential election is if incumbent President Yameen Abdul Gayoom's name is stricken out of the ballots.

MP Ameeth took to twitter in the on Friday, to express his belief that the only way to hold unbiased and justified elections is if President Yameen's name is crossed off the ballots and adding that that's the only way to pave way for an unprejudiced election.

The MP's tweet is in response to recently elected president of the Elections Commission (EC) Ahmed Shareef saying in a press conference held this Thursday morning that current condtions in the country are condusive to free and fair elections. 

In a press conference held by the EC in the early hours of Thursday evening, Shareef had said that selection of eligible candidates for the ballots will be carried out under legal ambit and highlighted that stalling the election is not an option.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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