K. Male'
11 Apr 2018 | Wed 22:14
Fenaka Corporation
Fenaka Corporation
Fenaka Corporation Limited
ACC launches investigation into Fenaka corruption case
Fenaka's corruption was investigated in 2014 and 2015 as well
When contacted for details of the investigations, ACC informed that the investigations are yet to conclude

Anti Corruption Commission (ACC) has started looking into alleged corruoption involving government operated utilities company Fenaka Corporation.

According to a specified audit report released by the Audit Office on the 19th of September last year involving Fenaka's procurement, ACC had brought Fenaka's corruption cases into the spotlight in 2014 and 2015 as well, adding that the cases were being investigated.

However, when contacted for inquiries on the progress of the investigation about 6 months after the investigations into said cases had begun, an official at the commission had reported that the investigations were still ongoing.

ACC said that many of the cases highlighted in the audit report are being investigated, such as oil smuggling cases, illicit dollar trade in the black market and other offenses.

Fenaka's corruption case had surfaced following the audit report signed by Auditor General Hassan Ziyath after the massive embezzlement case of Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation (MMPRC) shook the nation.

According to the report, Fenaka had bought diesel from private parties at a higher price than the given rate from Fuel Supplies Maldives (FSM) run under state operated State Trading Organization (STO).

Throughout 2014 and 2015, an additional MVR 21.8 million had been spent on the purchase of diesel alone.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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