K. Male'
10 Apr 2018 | Tue 22:22
Detained statesman Maumoon Abdul Gayoom
Detained statesman Maumoon Abdul Gayoom
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Former President Maumoon Abdul
Gayoom pleads for transfer to house arrest
Gayoom was jailed upon terror charges and is to be kept in remand until the end of his trial
A preliminary hearing on obstruction charges against Gayoom, Chief Justice Abdulla Saeed and Justice Ali Hameed was held on the 10th of April, where Gayoom had shared his health concerns in court
Gayoom, Saeed and Hameed were brought into police custody on the night President Yameen declared SoE that lasted for 45 days

Long-serving statesman Maumoon Abdul Gayoom has beseeched authorities to transfer him to house arrest if they cannot free him from incarceration.

Gayoom was jailed upon terror charges on the allegations of bribery and conspiring to overthrow the government. The former president who is also President Yameen's half-brother, is to be kept in confinement for the remainder of his trial.

A preliminary hearing on obstruction charges against Gayoom, Chief Justice Abdulla Saeed and Justice Ali Hameed was held on the 10th of April, where Gayoom had shared his health concerns in court.

Gayoom highlighted that since he is elderly, he senses that several health complications are presenting themselves since his incarceration, adding that if he succumbs to his ailments while sitting behind bars, there will be no one to seek aid from.

Gayoom had stated that he had presented an appeal letter along with his medical documents, pleading with authorities to be merciful and ease up on his confinement conditions.

Maumoon, Saeed, and Hameed are being kept in confinement after charging them with obstruction after they had refused to hand over their phone upon police orders.

Bribery charges and charges on planning a coup d'etat were also raised against the three.

Gayoom appealed at the preliminary hearing today to reach a decision on his confinement under whichever case he is being charged for, to which the presiding judge Adam Arif responded that he will look into the matter of his appeal letter with the judge who had issued the remand for Gayoom's confinement for the remaider of his trial, and come to a conclusion after thorough evaluation.

Gayoom, Saeed and Hameed were brought into police custody on the night President Yameen declared a 15-day state of emergency across the nation on the 05th of February which was later extended to an additional 30 days, lasting a total of 45 days.

Gayoom was arrested at his residence while Saeed and Hameed were violently arrested inside the Supreme Court premises after officers broke into the building from the rooftop.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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