K. Male'
07 Apr 2018 | Sat 17:37
Senior officials of the Joint Opposition leave the Supreme Court
Senior officials of the Joint Opposition leave the Supreme Court
Dismissed MPs
Over a month since Supreme Court's temporary injunction to delay reinstatement of dismissed MPs; yet to find solution
Supreme Court issued a temporary injunction on February 18, reinstating the 12 opposition lawmakers
The attorney general has filed a case at the court, seeking to nullify the part of its initial ruling on February 1
The Elections Commission is yet to hold by-elections

It has been over a month since the Supreme Court issued a temporary injunction to delay the reinstatement of 12 opposition lawmakers, as per its initial ruling on February 1.

The temporary injunction was issued on February 18 by three of the court’s five justices, days after its initial ruling reinstating the 12 lawmakers, which was signed by the full bench.

The court order noted that the delay will be in effect until it reaches a decision on a case submitted by the attorney general. The AG is seeking to revoke the part of the Supreme Court’s verdict nullifying its previous floor-crossing ban, and reinstating the 12 MPs. The AG also seeks to revoke the part which states that judges can only be appointed, to any court, with the approval of the Supreme Court.

The court has held only one hearing in the case, and while it has been over two weeks since, the three remaining justices at the court had said that a verdict will be reached at the next hearing.

It has been nearly a year since the lawmakers have been banned from taking part in parliament sessions, and the Elections Commission is yet to hold by-elections in their respective constituencies or make any such announcements.

While important bills are being passed without them, the opposition notes that rights of 60,000 citizens have been violated over the MPs’ removal from parliament.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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