K. Male'
07 Apr 2018 | Sat 11:31
Sheikh Imran Abdulla
Sheikh Imran Abdulla
AP leader Imran s imprisonment
Family visit for Sheikh Imran cancelled without reason
While Imran's family visit had been cancelled, they had not given a date to schedule the next visit
Wives of political leaders who are under confinement have been taking their concerns to the MCS after the halting of the rights to family visits
Imran is doing time of 12 years for his speech in the mass May Day rally 2015

Adhaalath Party leader Sheikh Imran Abdulla's family visit has been cancelled without having given a valid reason.

Adhaalath party had tweeted the cancellation on Friday following Maldives Correctional Service (MCS)'s cancellation of Imran's appropriated family visit.

In the tweet, AP stated that while Imran's family visit had been cancelled, they had not given a date to schedule the next visit.

However, RaajjeMV is yet to attain a comment from the MCS on the matter. 

While Imran, who has been imprisoned for a jail term of 12 years on terror charges, has been denied a family visit, former Vice President Ahmed Adeeb was given a family visit on the 31st of March Saturday after a two month hiatus.

Wives of political leaders who are under confinement have been taking their concerns to the MCS after the halting of the rights to family visits. 

Imran is doing time of 12 years in confinement for his speech in the mass 'May Day' rally in 2015, which allegedly stirred unrest and violence within protesters and lead to several arrests.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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