K. Male'
04 Apr 2018 | Wed 15:20
Abdulla “Kane Seytu” Jaleel
Abdulla “Kane Seytu” Jaleel
Theft and Robbery
Over MVR 1 million mugged from businessman, after being pepper-sprayed and assaulted with hammer
Abdulla “Kane Seytu” Jaleel was attacked on Tuesday night, as he was returning home from office
Doctors had to stitch his head in three different places
Civilians are not allowed to possess pepper-spray

Well-known businessman, Abdulla “Kane Seytu” Jaleel, was mugged on Tuesday night, after being pepper-sprayed and physically assaulted.

Speaking to RaajjeMV, Jaleel said that the attack took place on the staircase of his residence, as he was returning home after work on Tuesday night.

According to Jaleel, the muggers had pepper-sprayed him and hit him in the head with a hammer thrice, before fleeing with the money he had on him at the time, which was over MVR 1 million.

“There would have been between 900,000 and 1.1 million in Maldivian Rufiyaa, and 26,000 American dollars,” said Jaleel.

Doctors had to stitch his head in three places, due to the deep cuts.

Maldives Police Service (MPS) have confirmed that an investigation has been launched over the mugging, but is yet to arrest any suspects.

While civilians are prohibited from possessing pepper-spray under Maldivian laws, when questioned over the issue police refused to comment.

Noting that his offices had been robbed twice before, Jaleel said that police is yet to arrest any suspects.

Last updated at: 2 years ago
Reviewed by: Ismail Naail Nasheed
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