K. Male'
01 Apr 2018 | Sun 23:28
Justice Ali Hameed\'s wife Fathmath Nasira
Justice Ali Hameed's wife Fathmath Nasira
State of Emergency Arrests
Justice Hameed's wife released from house arrest
Nasira was released on Sunday, after 51 days since her arrest
Nasira was arrested on the 7th of february under the state of emergency decree
She was arrested under allegations of conspiring to overthrow the government and offering bribes

Wife of Supreme Court Justice Ali Hameed, Fathmath Nasira has been released from house arrest.

Nasira was arrested on the 7th of february under the state of emergency decree on allegations of conspiring to overthrow the government and bribery after police conducted a search on their home.

She was first taken for questioning and later transferred to Dhoonidhoo island prison. Then on March 15 she was transferred to house arrest from Dhoonidhoo.

Nasira's family earlier expressed their concern over her health while in incarceration,

Nasira was released on Sunday, after 51 days since her arrest.

Nasira's husband Justice Ali Hameed was arrested along with Chief Justice Abdulla Saeed mere hours after the state of emergency was declared. Police had snuck into the Supreme Court building through the roof broke the door down. They then dragged both justices out of the building and the justices have both been incarcerated at Dhoonidhoo island prison since.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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