K. Male'
29 Mar 2018 | Thu 18:11
Detained MP Ahmed Mahloof with his wife and child
Detained MP Ahmed Mahloof with his wife and child
MP Ahmed Mahloof
MP Mahloof summoned to high court and handed documents regarding appeal case
Mahloof was summoned to hand over documents regarding an issue of an appeal he had made
Lawyer Nazim revealed that Mahloof was brought to High Court at 09:30 am Thursday
While the 30th marks the day of his expected release, his wife Nazra Naseem had tweeted after concluding her last visit to him, adding he has lost weight due to 'bad food' served in prison

Fresh summons were issued on detained South-Galolhu constituency MP Ahmed Mahloof and appeal documents were handed to him this morning.

Speaking to RaajjeMV, Mahloof's legal representative Nazim Abdul Sattar stated that he had received a call earlier on Thursday from Dhoonidhoo Detention Center and had been informed of his client's summon to High Court. 

According to Nazim, Mahloof was summoned to hand over documents regarding an issue of an appeal he had made, adding that such documents have to be handed over to the appellant himself under the Criminal Procedure Act.

Nazim added that Mahloof had been summoned at 09:30 in the morning, handed the documents and brought back to Dhoonidhoo.

While the MP was arrested under the state of emergency decree, he had been remanded for 13 days on the 17th of March and his remand expires tomorrow.

As the 30th marks the day of his expected release, his wife Nazra Naseem had tweeted after concluding her last visit to Dhoonidhoo where her husband is being remanded. She added that Mahloof had lost weight within the past 15 days due to 'bad food' served in confinement further saying that no one is celebrating on the commemoration of the Maldives Police Service's 85th anniversary in Dhoonidhoo, because the Police have 'failed' to serve and protect the nation.


Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Miuvaan Mohamed
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