K. Male'
28 Mar 2018 | Wed 09:53
Senior MDP officials at the National Integrity Commission
Senior MDP officials at the National Integrity Commission
National Integrity Commission
MDP files 36 SoE detainee cases with NIC, says will 'continue process' until action is taken
The complaints were submitted to the National Integrity Commission on Tuesday
MDP Chair Latheef highlighted that the work "will not be completed in a day or two"
They noted that a number of people were arrested "unlawfully and violently" under the 45-day state of emergency

Cases of 36 state of emergency arrestees have been submitted to the National Integrity Commission (NIC).

Opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) submitted the cases of individual detainees to the Commission on Tuesday.

Noting that they have submitted cases of 36 individuals, MDP’s chairperson and renowned lawyer Hassan Latheef said that “more such complaints have been filed” to the party, and that these will be submitted to the Commission “after thorough investigation”. He added that more than 300 individuals were arrested throughout the prolonged state of emergency.

“A number of people, calling to implement the Supreme Court ruling [issued on February 1] were arrested by the police, unlawfully and some very violently,” said Latheef.

He further noted that the party will also be filing complaints against the various unlawful activities being conducted by individual officers of the Maldives Police Service, to the National Integrity Commission.

Latheef highlighted that “this work cannot be completed in a day or two”.

In a tweet posted via its official twitter account early Tuesday afternoon, MDP said that its had submitted complaints forms “by detainees who were arrested and released following the unconstitutional state of emergency declared y the Maldives regime on 5 February,” adding that the party “will continue this process to ensure required actions are taken by the relevant authorities”.


Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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