K. Male'
27 Mar 2018 | Tue 15:12
Former President Mohamed Nasheed
Former President Mohamed Nasheed
Ex-President Nasheed
Nasheed heads to UK to meet with senior government officials
Nasheed left Colombo on Tuesday morning
No additional details given regarding the trip
Nasheed has been granted political asylum in the UK

Opposition leader and former President, Mohamed Nasheed has traveled to the United Kingdom from Sri Lanka on Tuesday, in order to meet with senior government officials.

Nasheed left Colombo on Tuesday morning, according to his administration’s foreign minister Ahmed Naseem.

Naseem, via twitter, revealed that Nasheed was headed to the UK in order to take part in meetings with senior government officials there.

The trip comes at a time when the European Parliament continues to discuss the Maldives situation. It recently adopted a resolution to impose targeted sanctions and travel bans against human rights abusers in the Maldives over the political turmoil in the country.  The resolution also supports the Supreme Court’s unanimous ruling on February 1st, to reinstate lawmakers and to release unfairly detained individuals.

Sentenced to 13 years over terror charges in March 2015, Nasheed was allowed to travel to the UK on medical leave in January 2016. He has since been granted political asylum there.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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