K. Male'
27 Mar 2018 | Tue 10:19
MP Abdulla Riyaz being taken to Dhoonidhoo Detention Center after being produced to court for hearing
MP Abdulla Riyaz being taken to Dhoonidhoo Detention Center after being produced to court for hearing
Mohamed Sharuhaan
MP Abdulla Riyaz
Monday's hearing for JP deputy's "influencing official conduct" case cancelled
A hearing was scheduled for 1:30pm on Monday
Was cancelled without a reason
The Kinbidhoo constituency MP is accused of influencing official conduct

Monday’s hearing in the case against opposition Jumhooree Party (JP)’s deputy leader Abdulla Riyaz has been cancelled.

A hearing in the case was scheduled for 1:30pm on Monday, but was cancelled without stating a reason.

The Kinbidhoo constituency MP is accused of influencing official conduct.

Riyaz was arrested on March 2, during the 45-day state of emergency declared across the nation, under allegations of conspiring to overthrow the government, but was later produced to Criminal Court for influencing official conduct.

The first hearing in the case was held on 11th March, where Riyaz was given five days to appoint an attorney. A hearing was held on 18th March as well, where the MP was given two days to appoint a lawyer and submit case documents.

A statement released by Riyaz’s legal team on March 18th highlighted that an additional hearing was held that day, where the Criminal Court ordered to keep him remand until his trial concludes. The team noted that Riyaz did not have any legal representation during this hearing.

Noting that he is being kept in remand and tried on a case from 2017, his lawyers noted that this is to “legalize” his arrest on March 2nd.

If the lawmaker is found guilty of the charge, he will get a jail sentence of nine months and 18 days.

This is the third charge against Riyaz; he was previously charged with obstruction of duty, but has been acquitted by the Criminal Court. However, the state has appealed the ruling at High Court.

In  addition, Riyaz is among the 11 opposition parliamentarians charged with obstruction of a law enforcement officer. A hearing in the case is scheduled for 11am on Tuesday.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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