K. Male'
25 Mar 2018 | Sun 18:02
Detained for crime
Detained for crime
Prosecutor General's Office
Treason charges raised on over 200 suspects last year
235 individuals were prosecuted over treason and theft charges last year alone and 128 individuals were recorded to have been araigned in the previous year.
The third most prosecuted act recorded as theft reaches 115 throughout 2017 and 82 in the previous year.
Narcotics cases have been recorded at highest, 518 individuals having been prosecuted for the use of Cannabis and 375 for the use of Heroin.

While treason and theft cases rose in 2017, over 200 individuals were prosecuted for treason last year alone.

According to an analysis conducted by the Prosecutor General's office, the highest number of charges are based on narcotics cases while treason prosecutions have been recorded at second highest and theft as third highest.

235 individuals were prosecuted over treason and theft charges last year alone and 128 individuals were recorded to have been araigned in the previous year.

According to the annual report released by the PG office instigating last year's records last month, 120 people were charged with treason while the records of the previous year were set at 46. It is evident from analysis that treason has increased over twofold within the past year.

The third most prosecuted crime was theft which reached 115 throughout 2017 and 82 in the previous year.

While narcotics cases have been recorded at the highest, 518 individuals were prosecuted for the use of cannabis and 375 for the use of heroin.

A total of 4,004 individuals were araigned for criminal offenses last year, which includes 149 women and 93 minors.

While treason is comprised in the most prosecuted cases of 2017, Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) has asked the PG office to estimate the embezzled amount in corruption cases.

ACC also requested the PG office to obtain the MVR 1.3 billion embezzled from state funds in corruption cases.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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