K. Male'
25 Mar 2018 | Sun 15:34
Maldives celebrates Earth Hour 2018
Maldives celebrates Earth Hour 2018
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Earth Hour 2018
Maldives celebrates Earth Hour 2018
"Earth Hour" is an annual event by Worldwide Fund for Nature
It is a symbol of commitment to the planet
"We all must take personal responsibility to protect and save the environment,” Ecocare's Maeed Mohamed Zahir

Maldives took part in Earth Hour 2018, a movement by Worldwide Fund for Nature encouraging all to turn off non-essential lights for one hour.

While some houses and businesses in the capital Malé City turned off lights from 8:30pm to 9:30pm on Saturday, some islands took part in the event as well.

Some non-governmental organizations held events across the country, including climate change awareness campaigns, as well as music shows.

Ecocare, an independent NGO that works for the protection and sustainable development of the environment, held its event in Addu City.

During the event, its Director of Advocacy, Maeed Mohamed Zahir spoke to RaajjeTV and said that Ecocare had been holding various events in Addu City since Friday, leading up to the lights off hour on Saturday.

While Earth Hour is celebrated as ‘a symbol of commitment to the planet,’ Maeed noted the possible threats to the Maldives because of climate change, and its vulnerability.

“We all have to think about this, and take personal responsibility to protect and save the environment,” he said.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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