K. Male'
23 Mar 2018 | Fri 17:31
Special Operations (SO) officers active in the dispersal of an anti-government rally
Special Operations (SO) officers active in the dispersal of an anti-government rally
Ashwa Faheem
Arrested SO Officers
Arrested SO officers sacked over treason
Officers of the SO unit were arrested for allegedly showing their approval of the Supreme Court ruling to release political prisoners
The disciplinary committee of the police service had come to the conclusion after and evaluation
After 45 days, the SoE was lifted on Thursday afternoon, mere hours before it's expiration

Police officers of the Special Operations (SO) unit who were arrested during the State of Emergency decree have been dismissed.

While RaajjeMV had received a copy of the letter of dismissal received by sacked officers, it states that their dismissal follows an alleged conspiracy to overthrow the government, for disrupting public peace by taking to the streets in anti-government activities, threatening the country's national security, for tormenting officers who work to uphold public peace and for the general rebellion allegedly observed from actions.

The disciplinary committee of MPS had come to the conclusion after thorough evaluaion under Professional Standards Command.

Officers were evidently arrested for calling for the implementation of the Supreme Court ruling issued of the 01st of February and for showing their solidarity with its enactment. While remands have been heard on them, they are still in incarceration.

Upon the issuing of a Supreme Court ruling passed by the full bench releasing political detainees, President Yameen had refused to obey the ruling and declared a State of Emergency throughout the nation on the 5th of February, which was later extended to 30 days after the initial 15 days passed. 

After a prolongation of 45 days, the SoE was lifted on Thursday afternoon, mere hours before it's expiration.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Miuvaan Mohamed
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