K. Male'
22 Mar 2018 | Thu 21:39
UN suspends food aid to Rohingya muslims
UN suspends food aid to Rohingya muslims
Maldives with Rohingya
Following criticism over delay, gov't finally hands over Rohingya fund to Red Crescent
Government has faced criticism due to the delay in transferring the money collected
According to the Islamic Minister, the delay was caused due to administrative issues
The telethon was held in November 2017, and had gathered MVR 18.1 million

Millions collected from the fund raising telethon held by the Maldivian government, to help Rohingya Muslims suffering due to the inhumane acts carried out on them by the Burmese military, has been transferred to the bank account of Bangladesh Red Crescent.

Following criticism due to the delay in doing so, Islamic Minister Dr. Ahmed Zirad Bagir- who led the event- spoke to the state TV and confirmed that the money has now been transferred to the bank account of Bangladesh Red Crescent.

According to Bagir, the delay was caused by some administrative issues.

"We have finished all the work today, and transferred the entire amount collected to asssis the Rohingya Muslims to the Red Crescent" Minister Ziad told state press.

While the telethon was held in November 2017, media outlets had recently started questioning the whereabouts of the money collected. A total of MVR 18.1 million (USD 1.17 million) was collected through the telethon.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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