K. Male'
22 Mar 2018 | Thu 18:27
Detained former Vice President Ahmed Adeeb
Detained former Vice President Ahmed Adeeb
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Former VP Ahmed Adeeb
Gov actions against Adeeb negates fundamental rights and freedoms : wife Nashwa
Adeeb is being deprived of privileges granted to him under article 20 under Chapter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms of the constitution
Adeeb has not been granted family visits since his transfer to Maafushi Prison under the Correctional Services, from Dhoonidhoo Island's Detention Center on the 20th of February
Adeeb was jailed under several allegations including having exerted political influence during his term as VP and is currently doing time of 33 years in incarceration

Detained former Vice President Ahmed Adeeb's family has claimed that he is being deprived of privileges granted to him under article 20 of the Fundamental Rights and Freedoms chapter of the constitution.

In a letter addressed to the Human Rights Commission of the Maldives, former VP's family claims that while article 20 under the chapter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms of the constitution states that, "Every individual is equal before and under the law, and has the right to the equal protection and equal benefit of the law", the administration is not seen abiding by it when it comes to Adeeb's case.

Adding that it has been a month since Adeeb has not been granted family visits or private visits for his spouse, in the Letter, his wife Nashwa wrote that her husband has not been granted family visits since his transfer to Maafushi Prison under the Correctional Services, from Dhoonidhoo Island's Detention Center on the 20th of February.

Nashwa added that her husband has been deprived the privilege of family visits against the Jails and Parole act, calling to investigate why other detainees under the state of emergency are being granted family visits while Adeeb is being singled out.

While the former VP faces several medical complications since his incarceration in the year 2015 including glaucoma, kidney stones and internal cysts and had been advised to undergo cancer screening to which his family had appealed the government for permission to travel abroad to seek treatment. The former VP’s medical condition is seen growing worse each passing day behind bars.

Adeeb was jailed under several allegations including having exerted political influence during his term as VP and is currently doing time of 33 years in incarceration. 

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Miuvaan Mohamed
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