K. Male'
22 Mar 2018 | Thu 17:21
G Dh Rathafandhoo island\'s powerhouse run by Fenaka Corp
G Dh Rathafandhoo island's powerhouse run by Fenaka Corp
Theft and Robbery
Three searched regarding GDh. Rathafandhoo powerhouse theft
The robbery took place on Tuesday night inside a powerhouse run by state operated Fenake Corporation
Council chief states that no damages had been inflicted on safe, robbers had probably used safe key
Statements have been taken from three workers at the powerhouse and their living spaces have been searched

Police probed three workers at the powerhouse in Rathafandhoo Island of Gaaf Dhaal atoll, in connection to a robbery that took place there on Tuesday night.

Speaking about the matter, Rathafandhoo Council chief Hassan Moosa stated that muggers had broken into the powerhouse run by state operated Fenaka Corporation on Tuesday night and looted the safe-deposit vault. Adding that no damaged had been inflicted on the vault, Hussain said that the muggers had supposedly used it's key.

While police investigation is underway, statements have been taken from three workers at the powerhouse and their living spaces have been searched.

While the amount looted from the safe is estimated as roughly fifty nine thousand Rufiyaa, none of the officials in accounts had stated an exact amount that could have been inside the vault at the time.

While this is the second theft case at the powerhouse, it was reported that robbers had targetted the same safe-deposit near the end of 2017. While their attempts were in vain, they were looking at the embezzlement of more than 1 lakh Rufiyaa at that time.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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