K. Male'
22 Mar 2018 | Thu 15:51
Abdul Raheem Abdulla
Abdul Raheem Abdulla
People Megazine
Anti-Corruption Commission
ACC launches investigation against PPM deputy and wife
The couple are to have bought two flats in the capital Malé City
Each flat goes for MVR 4.5 million
Raheem has previously admitted to buying flats in Malé

The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) has launched an investigation against the deputy leader of the ruling party, for purchase of two flats in the capital Malé City.

An official from the Commission confirmed to RaajjeMV, that MP Abdul Raheem Abdulla and wife, Dhiyana Hussain are being investigated, for purchasing two flats in Malé for a total of MVR nine million. However, the official did not disclose any further details on the matter.

The flats, at “Rehendhi – 6,” constructed by FW Constructions, goes for MVR 4.5 million, each.

A letter, sent by the couple, seeking to change the registration of the flats to their names, noted that they have cleared up the payments for both flats. This letter has since been leaked online.

Raheem has previously spoken about buying flats, on various media outlets. While incumbent President Abdulla Yameen and his administration continue to face heavy criticism, from both the local and international community, Raheem is one of his strongest defenders.

RaajjeMV understands that they had purchased two flats from the first floor.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ismail Naail Nasheed
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