K. Male'
21 Mar 2018 | Wed 07:07
MDP Chairperson Hassan Latheef speaks during the meeting
MDP Chairperson Hassan Latheef speaks during the meeting
State of Emergency Arrests
Opposition Maldivian Democratic Party meets freed SoE detainees
Authorities arrested numerous people after President Abdulla Yameen declared the State of Emergency on February 5
MDP women’s league president Shifa Mohamed said MDP has always watched over those arrested at protests and given them legal counsel
Some of MDP’s senior members had earlier failed to meet with the home minister to discuss the poor condition of the prisons

Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) has met with the freed detainees who were arrested under the State of Emergency (SoE) decree.

The meeting was held on Tuesday evening at Salt Café.

Those who joined the meeting include MDP Chairperson Hassan Latheef, the party’s women’s league president Shifa Mohamed, and secretary general Anas Abdul Sattar.

Authorities arrested numerous people after President Abdulla Yameen declared the State of Emergency on February 5.

Speaking at the meeting, women’s league president Shifa Mohamed said MDP has always watched over those arrested at protests and given them legal counsel.

Speaking to journalists after the meeting, MDP secretary general Abdul Sattar said they wanted to get information on the poor condition of the prisons and remand centers, as well as the police officers’ reported unethical behavior.

Some of MDP’s senior members had earlier failed to meet with the home minister to discuss the poor condition of the prisons.

Last updated at: 2 years ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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