K. Male'
20 Mar 2018 | Tue 16:38
MP Imthiyaz Fahmy speaking to the press on Tuesday, 20th March
MP Imthiyaz Fahmy speaking to the press on Tuesday, 20th March
Mohamed Fazeen
MP Imthiyaz Fahmy
Police re-summon MP Imthiyaz Fahmy for Wednesday
MP Fahmy was summoned on Tuesday for 1:30 PM
He has been given opportunity to find legal representation

Opposition lawmaker Imthiyaz Fahmy, a highly vocal opponent of the government, has been summoned for Wednesday night.

MP Fahmy was summoned on Tuesday for 1:30 PM but was given opportunity to speak with officers in the presence of a lawyer. He has been summoned again for 08:30 PM on Wednesday.

 The parliamentarian is being investigated for comments he allegedly made. Fahmy told the press after attending the police headquarters on Tuesday that the Maldives is a ‘hard place to find legal representation’.

He highlighted that a number of individuals are already been represented, given that the police had made mass arrests during the demonstrations held in capital city Malé. Police on Tuesday said that only nine of them are currently in detention.

MP Fahmy said that he had told the police of this as well.

Last updated at: 2 years ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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