K. Male'
20 Mar 2018 | Tue 13:29
A photograph of Adhaalath Party\'s detained leader, Sheikh Imran Abdulla, speaking at a press conference
A photograph of Adhaalath Party's detained leader, Sheikh Imran Abdulla, speaking at a press conference
Intimidation of Journalists
AP condemns intimidation of press, calls for release of RaajjeTV journalists
The party condemns what they described as harassment and intimidation of journalists
The statement is also highly critical of the Maldives Broadcasting Commission

The opposition Adhaalath Party has accused the government of intimidation against targeted news organizations and called on authorities to release Raajje Television (RaajjeTV) staff Amir Saleem and Mohamed Wisam.

In a statement on Tuesday, the party condemned what they described as harassment and intimidation of journalists, particularly against RaajjeTV and VTV, the latter of which is owned by opposition leader Qasim Ibrahim.

The statement is also highly critical of the Maldives Broadcasting Commission, describing its members of being incompetent at their jobs and of being pro-government activists.

“We call on the Maldives Broadcasting Commission to immediately cease its intimidation of independent news organizations and targeted attacks against RaajjeTV and VTV” the statement reads.

Journalist Mohamed Wisam and Amir Saleem, Head of Programmes at RaajjeTV, were arrested on allegations of producing and uploading a video depicting masked men dressed as police officers making anti-government proclamations. 

The stationed has denounced this as false allegations made in order to slander the station and hinder their work. 

Last updated at: 2 years ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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