K. Male'
19 Mar 2018 | Mon 12:07
Sheikh Ali Zaid
Sheikh Ali Zaid
Sheikh Ali Zaid
Male officers should not apprehend women, says Sheikh Ali Zaid
A video showing male officers violently arresting a woman has surfaced as well

The police must respect guidelines of conduct set about by Islamic priciples and male officers arresting female suspects or protestors should not be done, Sheikh Ali Zaid has said.

Sheikh Zaid expressed these sentiments through a post on his Twitter account, while a video showing just such an incident has surfaced on social media.

The video shows male officers apprhending a woman and pushing her, after she questions them about why her husband, an opposition demonstrator, had been arrested.

Zaid has previously made references to Maldives ongoing political crisis as well, saying that putting forth false evidence and subjecting defendants to malicious prosecution would bring about divine wrath.

The Muslim scholar highlighted that those serving under the state and its office are never obliged to follow unlawful orders or engage in ‘sinful’ acts, and must resign before allowing themselves to do so.

Last updated at: 2 years ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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