K. Male'
18 Mar 2018 | Sun 16:44
A man being arrested at a protest
A man being arrested at a protest
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Anti-Government Protests
Five still under custody after arrest at Friday protest: Police
Police and military officers used tear gas to disperse the mass rally on Friday
hree RaajjeTV employees were also arrested, and two remain in custody

Police service on Sunday said that five protesters are still under custody after being arrested at Friday’s mass anti-government demonstration.

141 were arrested at the rally and 139 remained in police custody on Saturday.

Out of those arrested at Saturday’s rally, 15 remain in police custody; one woman and 14 men.

Police and military officers used tear gas to disperse the mass rally on Friday. Opposition MDP’s parliamentary group leader Ibrahim Mohamed Solih and other politicians were arrested.

Three RaajjeTV employees were also arrested, and two remain under investigation in custody.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ahmed Saaif Shiyad
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