K. Male'
16 Mar 2018 | Fri 17:26
Former Vice President Ahmed Adeeb
Former Vice President Ahmed Adeeb
Azmoon Ahmed
Ex VP Ahmed Adeeb
Government cannot find sanctuary by pinning blame of their wrongdoings on Adeeb : Nashwa
Nashwa said this following the government's claim that Tourism Ministry’s agreements made with Villa group while Adeeb was Minister, were ones without the required approval of AG
Adeeb was diagnosed with glaucoma, kidney stones and internal cysts following his arrest in 2015 and had been advised to undergo cancer screening
Family's requests to seek medical attention are constantly being denied by police

Former Vice President Ahmed Adeeb’s wife Mariyam Nashwa has said that government officials cannot find sanctuary by pinning the blame of all of their wrongdoings on her husband, Adeeb.

Nashwa said this following the government’s claim that Tourism Ministry’s agreements that had been made with Villa group while Adeeb was Minister, were that of ones without the required approval of the Attorney General.

Following Tourism Ministry’s annulment of a few settlement agreements the Ministry had made with Villa group’s subsidiary companies in the month of February 2015, Villa group had risen against the management.

Lawyers of the Supreme Court had on Thursday accused then Tourism Minister Ahmed Adeeb of arranging the Settlement Agreements with Villa Group’s Gasim Ibrahim without the required endorsement of the Attorney General.

While these accusations have risen against Adeeb, the constitution has also pinned the fact that Tourism Ministry had given Villa group, unfair importance.

While the state institutions have blamed their various misconducts on Adeeb previously as well, Adeeb is serving a sentence of 33 years upon many allegations raised against him.

The supreme court had ruled on the 01st of February that Adeeb’s was a case amassed within various obstructions of law and was based on political influence.

According to information received by RaajjeMV, authorities had attempted to liberate the former VP along with detained MP Faris Maumoon on the 04th of February following the supreme court ruling.

Adeeb was diagnosed with glaucoma, kidney stones and internal cysts following his arrest in 2015 and had been advised to undergo cancer screening to which his family had appealed the government for permission to travel abroad to seek treatment. While they’re efforts were in vain, the former VP’s medical condition is seen growing worse each passing day behind bars.

While the government keeps insisting that Adeeb will be granted medical leave as soon as he pays off the millions he had allegedly embezzled from state funds, Adeeb continues to deny these allegations.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ismail Naail Nasheed
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