K. Male'
15 Mar 2018 | Thu 17:22
Parliament member for Kinbidhoo Constituency, Abdulla Riyaz
Parliament member for Kinbidhoo Constituency, Abdulla Riyaz
Mohamed Fazeen
Human Rights Commission
MP Riyaz meets with HRCM, shares prison hardships detainees face
MP RIyaz was arrested at an anti-government rally on the 02nd of march, Friday under the state of emergency decree
The MP highlighted many issues he faces behind bars to the committee members, who have said that they will investigate the matter further

The Human Rights Commission of the Maldives has met with Jumhooree party's Deputy Leader and Kinbidhoo constituency MP Abdulla Riyaz, who was arrested from an anti-government rally under the state of emergency decree on the 02nd of March, Friday.

Riyaz had highlighted a few matters of concern in the meeting with the Commission. He said that he is being kept under detention unlawfully and he was informed of the accussations against him twelve days after his arrest.

Riyaz further said that the time appointed for his lawyer visits were significantly short and confidentiality was compromised after the tape recorder issue surfaced. 

Highlighting that the accused has the right to be taken to parliament under parliament procedures even under detention, Riyaz said that he has not been granted the privilege.

His request to meet with Jumhooree Party had also been denied and detainees are evidently not provided clean drinking water.

Riyaz added that his detention is purely poliicized and they are yet to find any evidence against him. He appealed to the HRCM to assist in his release from the biased confinement.

The team from the commission who took part in the meeting says that they will look into Riyaz's matter and conduct a thorough investigation and that they had previously received complaints on similar issues.

Riyaz was previously arrested on the 23rd of November for violating section 511 (a) (2) of the penal code which states that direct or indirect communication with a public official in any manner is prohibited under laws and if found guilty, it is punishable by upto 9 months and 18 days in prison.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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