K. Male'
15 Mar 2018 | Thu 12:41
Supreme Court Chief Justice Abdulla Saeed
Supreme Court Chief Justice Abdulla Saeed
Presidents Office
Detained Justices
American Bar Association calls for release of jailed SC justices
A statement from the ABA called for their release and reinstatement
Supreme Court justices Saeed and Hameed were apprehended on February 5th

The American Bar Association has called on President Abdulla Yameen to release detained Supreme Court justices Abdulla Saeed and Ali Hameed, and to have them reinstated.

The bar association released a statement, from president Hilarie Bass, on Wednesday, stressing the importance of ensuring the safety and independence of judges.

“The rule of law must stand above politics, and the preservation of the independence of the judiciary is paramount” the statement said.

The association urged ‘President Yameen to respect the court and resort the judges to the bench’ as well, highlighting that the Maldives must abide by its commitment to standards set by the United Nations.  

Supreme Court justices Saeed and Hameed were apprehended on February 5th, after the president declared Maldives’ ongoing state of emergency.

Chief Justice Saeed’s lawyer Hisaan Hussein and a number of other lawyers held a demonstration in Dhoonidhoo island on Wednesday, after Hisaan discovered a recording device hidden at the meeting with her client.

The bar association’s statement echoes the international chorus of concern about the situation in Maldives, and the governments of a number of nations have urged the Maldives to ensure independence of the judiciary.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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