K. Male'
13 Mar 2018 | Tue 09:29
MP Faris Maumoon leaves Criminal Court after a hearing
MP Faris Maumoon leaves Criminal Court after a hearing
Mohamed Sharuhaan
MP Faris - Bribery Case
Hearing in MP Faris' bribery case scheduled for Tuesday as well
The hearing is to start at 2:30 pm
At Monday's hearing, state witness denied Faris bribing him, through any means
Faris was arrested in 2017, for allegedly bribing parliamentarians to sign a motion against the Speaker

A hearing in the bribery case against Dhiggaru constituency MP, Ahmed Faris Maumoon, is scheduled for Tuesday.

The hearing is to start at 2:30pm, at the Criminal Court.

The lawmaker was arrested in 2017, over accusations of bribing fellow parliamentarians to sign a no-confidence motion against parliament speaker.

At a hearing on Sunday, both the prosecution and defence submitted their witnesses; the prosecution had put forth 10 witnesses while the Faris put forth 73.

The first witness to give his testimony was the state’s secret witness, on Monday, who ended up denying that Faris had bribed him through an intermediary named Shafiu to get him to sign a no-confidence motion against parliament speaker.

The prosecution had also sought to present two additional evidence against Faris- a piece of paper from Faris’ house, the other was testimony from alleged intermediary Shafiu- which was denied by the Court. It noted that these were not submitted to court during the required time period to submit evidence, despite it not being ‘new’ evidence.

While Faris remains in police custody, and is now accused of bribing parliamentarians to overthrow the government.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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