K. Male'
11 Mar 2018 | Sun 18:57
Maldivian flagged \'Xin Yuan 18\' interraction with North Korean \'Chon Ma San\'
Maldivian flagged 'Xin Yuan 18' interraction with North Korean 'Chon Ma San'
Japan - Ministry of Defence
Xin Yuan 18
Defense Minister claims oil tanker scandal is a massive conspiracy
Defense Minister Shareef has claimed that the matter behind the Maldivian flagged oil tanker named ‘Xin Yuan 18’ having been tied in an illegal trade with North Korean flagged ‘Chon Ma San’ in late F
Minister Shareef alleged that current happenings in the country have a connection with the oil tanker scandal and that this conspiracy was schemed with cautious attention, calling it a felony.

Defense Minister Adam Shareef Umar has claimed that the matter behind the Maldivian flagged oil tanker named ‘Xin Yuan 18’ having been tied in an illegal trade with North Korean flagged ‘Chon Ma San’ in late February is a massive conspiracy.

Speaking at a press conference held by the National Counter Terrorism Center (NCTC) on Sunday, Minister Shareef alleged that current happenings in the country have a connection with the oil tanker scandal and that this conspiracy was schemed with cautious attention, calling it a felony.

The Japanese government in late February had brought the matter into spotlight after an aircraft belonging to its Maritime Self- Defense Force spotted the oil tanker lying on the high sea about 250 kilometers eastern offshore of Shanghai in the East China Sea alongside North-korean flagged ‘Chon Ma San’, between whom illegal ship-to-ship transfers are believed to have been conducted.

“We had not received any reports about the tanker previously, the matter surfaced upon the Japanese government’s word. While the police are investigating the matter, it has been endorsed that the matter is being investigated by international bodies as well.” Shareef had said.

The ministry had also revealed that matters related to the tanker will be investigated by the police and that the NCTC had to get involved upon the dread of threats to the nation, he said that information regarding the matter will be provided through the center as well.

Shareef added that although international perspective towards Maldives has changed and that although the country is believed to support religious extremism by some international bodies, most believe that religious standards in the country are at average.

Brigadier General Zakariya Mansoor also speaking at the conference said that the joint efforts of the NCTC and international bodies are being observed and valued greatly.

Zakariya added that much exertions are being put into the safety and security of the nation presently and that they will exercise the best of their efforts into upholding concord throughout the nation.




Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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