K. Male'
06 Mar 2018 | Tue 16:42
MDP national campaign site
MDP national campaign site
Maldivian Democratic Party
MDP files case on campaign site vandalism
Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) filed a case regarding vandalism at its campaign site to National Integrity Commission (NIC) on Tuesday. 
In a statement released on Tuesday, MDP claimed that Police had entered the party's national campaign house on the 03rd of March and vandalized party property after having disbanded the gathering.
Additionally the statement read that unlawful actions are seen from a few police officers and that most police officers and soldiers stay within the legal ambit,

Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) filed a case regarding vandalism at its campaign site to National Integrity Commission (NIC) on Tuesday.

In a statement released on Tuesday, MDP claimed that police officers entered the party's national campaign house on the 03rd of March and vandalized party property after having disbanded the protesters gathered at the area to call on the government to implement the Supreme Court ruling issued on the 1st of February to release all political detainees, reinstate parliament members, and lift the State of Emergency declared on the 05th of February.

The police had allegedly barged into the campaign house after having broken the door down and inflicted damage upon party property after having driven out media and protesters inside at the time. They had proceeded to unplug the sound system and had wrecked the doors as well.

The statement read that the party condemns police actions of that day and has filed the case at the NIC on Tuesday.

The opposition claims that they will continue to file cases against unauthorized actions of officers who use excessive force to disperse peaceful gatherings until the authorities take proper action against them.

Additionally the statement read that unlawful actions are seen from a few police officers and that most police officers and soldiers stay within the legal ambit, saying that due to the actions of the few who carry out misconduct, the sincere devotion of the rest are being tarnished.

Last updated at: 2 years ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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