K. Male'
06 Mar 2018 | Tue 16:24
Ahmed Shareef (r), managing director of Fenaka and president of Elections Commission (EC)
Ahmed Shareef (r), managing director of Fenaka and president of Elections Commission (EC)
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Elections Commission
Shareef appointed as President of Elections Commission
Parliament approved the managing director of utility company Fenaka with 33 votes
Shareef said the commission will focus on making legal amendments for the upcoming election
The commission has not discussed reversing its decision to remove 12 opposition MPs

Ahmed Shareef was appointed as President of Elections Commission (EC) on Tuesday, the same day he was sworn in to the commission.

Parliament approved the managing director of utility company Fenaka with 33 votes.

At a press conference, Shareef said the commission will focus on making legal amendments for the upcoming election, and that information on the election will be delivered to the media.

He said that the commission has not discussed reversing its decision to remove 12 opposition MPs despite the Supreme Court ruling on February 1 to reinstate them.

Shareef said that his political leaning will not affect his work at the commission.

He also said that EC has not yet made a decision on implementing a e-voting system.

Shareef was nominated to EC by President Abdulla Yameen. While opposition MPs continue to boycott the sittings, a total of 34 MPs took part in the vote, 33 voted in favor of his appointment, with Thulhaadhoo MP Nazim Rashad voting against it.

While EC consists of five members, a seat became vacant on the 31st of January, following the resignation of its president, Ahmed Sulaiman, who is now the president of National Integrity Commission.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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