K. Male'
26 Feb 2018 | Mon 00:03
local arrested in opposition rally
local arrested in opposition rally
State of Emergency
Three arrested from Sunday's opposition protest
Police have restricted political activities on streets and campaign halls
"There will be no exemptions when it comes to the curfeW" : Spokesperson Shifan 
Police had not used excessive force and neither had they resorted to violence in dispersing the crowd in Sunday's demonstration.

Three protesters have been arrested from the opposition's protest on Sunday night.

The opposition has been holding nightly protests since February 1, calling for the implementation of the supreme court order releasing nine high-profile prisoners, and resintating the 12 opposition parliamentarians.

Arrested were two women, including Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) activist Naeema Mohamed, and one man.

Although the police are yet to confirm the arrests made at Sunday's demonstration, RaajjeTV's reporter covering the event is to have witnessed the arrests.

Police had suprisingly refrained from using excessive force in dispersing the protesters on Sunday night, despite their earlier warning to not allow gatherings to be held after 10:30pm.

Police had revealed in a press conference held on Sunday afternoon that they had, under Fonadhoo MP and PPM's spokesperson Abdul Raheem Abdulla's appeal, declared that all political activities must cease after 10:30 pm every night. 

Spokesperson Ahmed Shifan had also claimed that there will be no exemptions when it comes to the curfew. 

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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