K. Male'
23 Feb 2018 | Fri 18:11
SPG Officer Ahmd Shinaz
SPG Officer Ahmd Shinaz
State of Emergency
Two officers of the MNDF's Special Protection Group arrested
A credible source informed RaajjeMV that they were arrested on Thursday
Arrested are; Ahmed Shaaneez and Simad Ahmed
Reason for their arrests remain unclear

Two officers of the police’s Special Protection Group (SPG) have been arrested.

A credible source informed RaajjeMV that the two were arrested on Thursday night.

According to the source, arrested were SPG Officer Ahmed Shaaneez, and former President Mohamed Nasheed’s bodyguard during his term in office, SPG Officer Simad Ahmed.

The reason for their arrests remain unclear. RaajjeMV’s was unable to obtain a comment from the Maldives National Defence Force (MNDF) as its information office Captain Ibrahim Azim failed to answer our calls.

While RaajjeMV understands that two officers from the police’s SPG have been arrested, police on Thursday revealed that two police officers had been arrested over an ongoing investigation. Police had not revealed any further information on the matter.

Saif Hussain, former Commander of the police Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) team was arrested on Thursday night, along with a former officer of the Special Operation’s Group.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ismail Naail Nasheed
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