K. Male'
22 Feb 2018 | Thu 23:43
EC's secretary general Ahmed Ali
EC's secretary general Ahmed Ali
Elections Commission's secreta
Elections Commission's secretary general resigns
Ex chief of the commision Ahmed Sulaiman had also resigned in late January
Criticism flows to the commission regarding upcoming presidential elections
Presidential election preparations ongoing at the commission

Secretary general of the Elections Commission (EC), Ahmed Ali has resigned. 

The resignation comes not long after Chief Commissioner Ahmed Sulaiman resigned from his post on the 31st of January. Sources report that Sulaiman had handed over his resignation on the direct order of President Yameen Abdul Gayoom. 

Preparations for this year's presidential elections are underway at the commission, who on Tuesday said that the opportunity for candidates to participate in the 2018 presidential election will be open in July. 


Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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